How to easily create a privacy policy for your website

The super easy way to handle your website policies —which are required by law!

Why your business needs website policies

From sign-up forms to website cookies, almost every website and online business requires users to share information about themselves.

Naturally, this has generated a host of privacy and policy issues, prompting governments around the world to regulate the collection, usage and sale of user data.

In Australia, businesses are subject to the ‘The Australian Privacy Principles’ (or APPs). These are the cornerstone of the privacy protection framework outlined in the Privacy Act of 1988. If you struggle with insomnia, you should try reading the Privacy Act legislation before bed. It will put you to sleep in no time!

The APPs cover things like the collection of solicited personal information, the use or disclosure of personal information, direct marketing, anonymity and more.

Learn more about the policy at the OAIC website.

But the #1 takeaway, in relation to your website, is this:

Having appropriate website policies (Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Cookie Policy) is foundational to meeting privacy laws set by governments, and therefore should not be neglected.

Furthermore, a privacy policy statement on your website builds trust with customers, as it shows that you take privacy and data protection seriously and explains the steps you take to protect their personal information.

How to easily generate a privacy policy for your website in under two minutes

At Nicolson and Company, our marketing team use a tool called to generate website terms and policies. is super fast and automatically generates your terms by simply asking you a few basic questions.

You can access their free basic Privacy Policy generator, however, we recommend paying the $25 to get the full suite: Custom Privacy Policy, Terms of Use + Cookie Policy.

A simple $25 investment today could save you hours scouring the web for templates, then trying to customise them yourself.

If you have customers in the European Union (EU), regardless of where they are located, you may need to also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GetTerms can help you meet GDPR requirements, as it’s quite complex to navigate these your own.

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