3 Reasons you need a business coach

The advantage of a coach — and how to choose the right one.


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Hiring a coach can be one of the best investments you make in your business.

As a leader, the more you grow, the more your team members and company will grow and succeed. The opposite is also true. If you stop growing, so will your business.

Developing yourself, your team and your business with a coach can get you further and faster than trying to figure it all on your own.

Here are three reasons to consider investing in a coach:

1. You don’t want to do it all on your own

Leading a business can feel lonely and worrisome at times. You’re constantly solving problems and navigating change. Without support, your energy and focus can become depleted.

A coach is someone there alongside that you can trust and get guidance. Someone to help you process important decisions and navigate change with confidence.

Coaches offer an outside perspective, they ask questions that get you beyond your own thinking. They provide insights and experience, along with tools and frameworks to help you lead with clarity, move the business forward and achieve sustainable success.

2. You want to fill in gaps in your skills or knowledge

You likely started out in business with a technical skill set in your field. But as your business has grown, you realised now the less you know about all of the other things that you need to grow a business. Like how to:

  • Set and achieve clear business goals

  • Find new customers and retain the ones you have

  • Lead a team and create a healthy workplace culture

  • Manage cash flow, accounting and taxation

  • Identify key metrics to ensure your business is healthy

A coach can help you identify gaps in your skills and knowledge and create a plan to fill them. That can be through training your team, delegating tasks to others or even outsourcing parts of the business to professionals, eg. tax and accounting.

3. You want to grow the business and yourself

We often hear it said “I wish I had time to work on my business”.

If you want your business to thrive beyond the status quo, you have to spend time working on it, not just working in it.

A coach can help you clear time to think, act and implement the things that are easy to procrastinate, but are actually needed to further grow the business:

  • Envisioning what your business will look like in 3-5 years time

  • Setting clear goals and measuring progress

  • Recruiting, managing and retaining top talent

  • Aligning your team around a mission and set of guiding principles

  • Developing your products and services

  • Building a marketing and sales process

  • Systemising your business to scale sustainably

A coach is not only there to support the growth of your business, but also the growth of its leader—you. In the end, everything rises and falls on leadership. The best investment starts with you.

What to look for in a coach

Finding a great coach isn’t always easy, but the reward is worth the effort. Here are three questions to help you choose the right coach:

1. Have they got experience?

It’s one thing to have a degree, it’s another to have past and real-time experience in the field.

The world is changing rapidly with technology and culture. What worked yesterday may not work today. Leading a Gen-X workforce is vastly different to leading Millennials. Likewise, marketing strategies that worked pre-covid may no longer work now.

A great Coach doesn’t just teach theory. They have skin in the game, working with businesses, including their own, to gain new experience and feedback through failures and successes.

2. Do they use proven frameworks and processes?

A great coach will go beyond their own experience and intuition. They will give you proven frameworks, dependable and repeatable processes that you can deploy and get results.

At Leader Guide, we combine proven frameworks with personal one-on-one coaching.

3. Are they coachable themselves?

Here’s a secret about all great coaches — they have coaches too.

When Jonathan Rosenberg went to his final interview as the head of the product team at Google, he was sat down with Bill Campbell, the legendary coach who mentored Eric Schmidt, Steve Jobs and other tech icons. The interview consistent of one question…

Campbell asked to Rosenberg “Are you coachable?”. Campbell said he would never hire someone who didn’t see a need for their own growth.

If a coach isn’t buying what they’re selling, take that as a red flag. Find a coachable coach.

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Hire a coach to help you build a business and life you love.


Doing everything yourself only gets you so far. Overwhelm and burnout is the biggest risk to business owners today.

Personal coaching is the greatest lever to reduce stress, increase confidence and achieve sustainable success.

Combined with practical training, expert implementation and support — you can grow and scale a business without getting stuck in overwork and overwhelm.

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